Friday, June 24, 2005

Studios target older, richer DVD buyers

What happens when the theatrical model moves away from the the DVD model -- what happens when the movies that score in the theater, bomb on DVD -- will this change the mix of studio movies? They've been making movies for 14 year olds for so long, could this change the culture? Probably not.
Studios target older, richer DVD buyers - Yahoo! News: "...two of his studio's biggest overperformers for the year, 'Ray' and 'Friday Night Lights,' generated staggering DVD sales numbers in large part because of high demand from older consumers. 'Ray' earned nearly $150 million from DVD sales and rentals, twice its box office, while 'Friday Night Lights' took in $100 million against a theatrical gross of just $60 million.

'Look at how this works when you hit them with the right product,' Kornblau said. 'You're seeing it over and over again -- the biggest overperformers are titles that hit the older demographic.'"

1 comment:

Pamela Soper said...

Proving you can't return to childhood-- the cheesecake was Sara Lee, a childhood classic, and didn't hold up to the memories!