Sunday, November 14, 2004

Spetters (1980)

Stuart's nite
Pizza, Super Chocolate Ice Cream

This gentle coming-of-age film is the winner of the coveted MovieNite Genitial Award for most penis shots in MovieNite History! Also the 1980 pick of the Journal of Urology, the official journal of the American Urology Association.

In this early work, Paul Verhoeven already exhibits an amazing ability to whipsaw the audience between ennui and repulsion. Star of the movie: Renée Soutendijk's yellow shirt. Unfortunately I couldn't find a photo so this will have to do:

Any ideas for captions?

1 comment:

Pamela Soper said...

it's hard to imagine that any movie will ever top this one for graphic nature. unless we decide to make it porn nite. perhaps on a yearly basis we'll do porn nite. not!