Insalata, pizza, gelato, biscotti
Una depressione sconosciuta cade sopra la stanza. Eppure, la pellicola sta intrattenendo. Siamo tutti felici che Stuart ha restituito dal Fiji.

This page keeps track of films that we've watched on Movie Nite. Movie Nite rules include: 1) Films to be at least 10 years old. 2) Films to be under 2hrs 15min. 3) Dinner and dessert served. 4) Hosting of MovieNite rotates. 5) Guest? Yes. Guest hosts? No! 6) The following movies must always be mentioned: Pierrot le Fou and Xanadu. 7) Evening concludes with Pamela uttering the words: "Another successful MovieNite."
“The fact [is] that we are I don't know how many millions of people, yet communication, complete communication, is completely impossible between two of those people . . . ”
Firefighters and other rescuers worked furiously Sunday to save a driver whose BMW plunged off Interstate 5 into a Southern California creek and got carried away by the swift current. The water was moving so fast that it tore the man's pants off.